I started to think about this sparked by others like the beautiful thread Sterling wrote.
My work clothing as professional as it is for my career is both armor and uniform. While it is serviceable neat and clean. It sparks not one ounce of joy or happiness. Because I have to tone down who I am at work. It's a professional environment and that is what I have to be.
On the other hand.
When away from work and on weekends LEDONNA IS IN FULL BLOOM. That is the real me. The Quirky creative happy joyous one whom is loud and vibrant. I express all of this in passion in my clothing and how I live my life.
I bring elements of who I am to the table at work but not my full self.
My career can be very stressful and very demanding. No place was this more evident than when I became pregnant. In a classic male dominated field. I was transfered "for my own good" an extra 1hr commute away. Making my drive time 2 hrs. Bringing on high blood pressure swelling daily and streefull responses such as frustration and a bit of anger and resentment.
As soon as I was assigned bed rest. No working. My stress went away not really overnight but because there was no pressure I was able to do and wear what made me feel happy.
My BP again comes to mind. My Dr's the nurse and even I was suprised at how low my pressure was and how content and happy babby nugget was also.
So in retrospect i know i cannot let my job stress me and find a way to incorporate a bit more fun into it. Maybe now having a baby will also expand my joy.